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Friday, June 22, 2018

Young Generation Should be Wiser & Responsible

The new generation of youngsters is the base for development of a Country. The country looks forward to a sensible young generation, as it is their significant achievements only that will make it prosperous. The new generation Indian should receive sound Higher Education, which in turn should help in the overall development. They should be capable enough to join higher posts in the country and excel in their role.

The new generation ought to do something special for their country. But today the situation is totally contrary to what was earlier or what could have been. The youngsters are not responsible towards their duty. The city youngsters while away their time aimlessly. I personally request the Young Generation of the country to do something extraordinary that will make their country feel proud. Do not waste your life in such manner that it becomes a burden On your Parents, Society and the Country as well. 

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