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Friday, June 22, 2018

The Best way to Handle In-disciplined Students

Student The future power of a generation ought to adhere to certain principles, which basically comes from the wisdom. All the students in a country should be well qualified with aggressive, Positive Thought or Attitude for Its continuous progress among the world.

Why is Education Important? Education is a powerful weapon which is one of our basic needs and also necessary to exist in this society through peace. It is fair to say that education is the light which removes the darkness of the old customs which affects the society. All of us join the educational institutions for three things 1. Information 2. Knowledge 3. Wisdom. Here we remain connected with our teachers and they help us to understand the purpose of learning to get success in the life. 

Now It is clear that the relationship between a Student and a teacher has lots of importance because its the basis for understanding the principles of a successful life. As far as my understanding is concerned, a teacher needs to control students but the punishment needs not to be imparted because it hits the self-esteem. It is enough to teach him/her a lesson which will make him realize their mistake.  

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